Warning Signs on a Business Fence

Keeping Your Business Safe During This Difficult Time

For Businesses All Over America, Staying Open & Keeping Your Business Safe is of Vital Importance

As business owners, store managers, or supervisors, we are responsible for keeping our employees, colleagues, and customers as safe as possible. The onset of the Coronavirus has exponentially made this responsibility more challenging.

Keeping Our Business Safe

Our products, such as the ERA-UTDCR, WDK-ERA-STROBE, and others in the ERA or LRA series, are easy to set up and run and require zero maintenance. Most of all, they are reliable products that NOTIFY YOU when a visitor arrives.

Our Product Recommendations to Protect Your Employees and Customers:

We recommend two product lines to our customers, the ERA and LRA.  Both sets are long-range wireless products that feature push buttons, motion sensors, & magnetic door contacts with receivers.  Both product lines are expandable, meaning you can add multiple sensors and multiple receivers.

The significant difference between ERA and LRA product lines:

  • ERA has a wireless range of up to 4,000.  Receivers are plug-in only.
  • LRA has a wireless range of up to 1,000 ft. Battery-operated and plugin receivers are available.
  • Both product lines offer various features with subtle differences. Both offer strobe lights built into the receiver or the ability to add accessories such as strobe lights, sirens, etc.

The ERA line of products by Safeguard Supply is our longest-range set of products specifically designed for large areas.  The line-of-sight distance (wireless range) from the transmitter (push button, motion sensor, etc.) to the receiver (where sound is emitted) is 4,000 ft.

The receiver plugs into a standard wall outlet with up to 12 transmitters.  Use as many receivers as you need.  When a push button, for example, is pressed, all the receivers in the system will play the programmed melody.

Receivers may be equipped with accessories such as a strobe light, strobe light + siren, siren, or fire alarm bell. Strobe lights, for example, are great for very loud areas and for areas where you need to turn the sound off but would like a visual notification. The siren accessory is extremely loud and can add an alarm sound when a button is pressed or a door is opened.

ERA – Features that Make ERA Products the Number 1 Choice for Business Door Chimes

  • Each receiver, ERA-DCRX, can pair with up to 12 different receivers, allowing you to cover all entrances into your facility.
  • Each transmitter (ERA-UTX or ERA-PIR) can pair with unlimited receivers, allowing you to add receivers throughout your facility.
  • Each ERA-DCRX Warehouse Doorbell receiver has four zones. Transmitters are grouped into zones, and a distinct melody (13 available) is assigned to each zone, allowing you to determine which transmitter triggered the receiver.
  • The volume control button turns the volume to four sound levels, in addition to mute and power off.
  • Plugs into a standard wall outlet.
  • Each zone features a 12V DC output. These outputs may power external devices such as a strobe light, strobe+siren, siren, etc. You can turn the receiver down and only see a visual indicator, or for loud areas, see a bright strobe and hear a siren alarm sound.
  • The duration of the 12V DC output may be set to 5 sec, 10 sec, 1 min, or 2 min.
  • Each receiver features a 1 x C-form relay for integration with external devices. For example, some magnetic door locks allow integration through Normally Open or Normally Closed connections. The receiver’s C-form relay can be integrated into that device.
  • Transmitters include the ERA-UTX (door contact or push button) and ERA-PIR motion-activated sensor.

LRA Long Range Alerts by Safeguard Supply

The LRA line of products offers a wireless range of up to 1,000 ft. from the transmitter to the receiver. Three different receivers are available: the LRA-DCRX, a battery-operated receiver with an add-on plug, a portable receiver, and a plugin receiver.

Similar to the ERA series of products, a variety of transmitters/sensors are available, such as a push button, motion sensor, magnetic door contact, and driveway alarm sensor.

The LRA-DCRX battery-powered receiver and LRA-DCRXS plugin receiver both have three modes of operation: strobe only, strobe & sound, and sound only. Additionally, the LRA-VPRX is a portable receiver with vibration mode.

LRA Features and Benefits as Door Alerts and Door Chimes:

  • LRA-DCRX and LRA-DCRXS Feature built-in strobe lights (turn it on or off) and sound options.
  • Battery-operated receiver (LRA-DCRX) has an optional add-on plug, and LRA-DCRXS plugs into a standard wall outlet.
  • Multiple transmitter types – push buttons, door contacts, motion sensor, and driveway alarm available.
  • There is no limit to the number of receivers you can use. You can mix and match different receivers with different transmitters; they are all compatible.
  • LRA-DCRX works with up to 4 different transmitters – LRA-DCRXS works with two transmitters.
  • The LRA-DCRX receiver features volume control up to 90 dBA and a variety of sound options.

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