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How to Install a Wired Doorbell

We found a great video that demonstrates how to install a wired doorbell. Please note, did not produce this video and is not responsible for the content.

DIY Wired Doorbell Installation Video Transcript

All right. Hi, this is James with the one hour smart home. com. And today we’re going to show you how to wire a doorbell. So this is really easy. A lot of people, you know, get overwhelmed by this, but this is how you wire a doorbell and something that if you’ve got just a couple of basic tools you can do.

So, uh, the most important thing is you’re going to need obviously the parts to a doorbell. We’ll put the links to those below, but, uh, this is just the doorbell button we’ve got here. This is the doorbell chime, and this is the doorbell transformer. So the most important thing before you get started is you want to turn the power off.

So this is our power source right here. And, uh, you can see this is 120 volts coming in down here in the lower left hand side of the video. So, uh, we’ve got 120 volts coming in. It comes into this power box. And then this transformer takes the voltage down from 120 volts down to between 16 and 24 volts.

And that’s what you need for a doorbell transformer. You need low voltage. So low voltage is safer than high voltage, 120 volts, um, less likely to cause fires. And if you get shocked, uh, you know, it’s, it’s, you may get a little zap, but, uh, Not nearly as harmful as 120 volt, uh, voltage here. So you’ve got the transformer connected to the power source.

make sure that you’ve got the power off. Uh, we’ll put another video up on how to wire a doorbell transformer, but you want to have the power off and then you’re ready to get started wiring this. So I’ve already got the wires attached to the doorbell here just for the ease of, uh, making the video here, but how this is going to work is, uh, basically you need to make a circuit.

Okay. So in that circuit, you’ve got the doorbell and one wire is going to go in To the, from the doorbell button to the doorbell chime, the other wires going to go back to the transformer. And then to complete the circuit, we need to have a wire that goes from the doorbell transformer to the transformer terminal on the doorbell chime.

So I’m going to show you how quick this can be done. Um, obviously if you’re doing a new home, the wiring is going to be a lot larger format or longer length. But, uh, it’s the same exact circuit that you’re going to make. So if you can kind of understand this concept, uh, and watch what we’re doing here, it’s something that you can do pretty easily.

Okay. So we’ve got ours connected right there to the transformer. All right. So from the transformer to the doorbell, and now we’re going from the doorbell to the doorbell chime.

Okay. All right. So we’ve got our doorbell connected now from our transformer to the doorbell from the doorbell to the doorbell chime. And all we have to do to finish this off is go from the, uh, transformer

right here, or sorry, the transformer terminal on the doorbell chime back to the transformer. Okay. So boom, we’ve got the transformer. We’re going to connect our other wire to the transformer. Okay. Now it is a completed circuit. I’m going to go turn the power onto this thing and you’re going to see that this works.

Now, this is the exact same wiring that you would use. If you were going to put a nest doorbell in a ring doorbell. Any of those smart doorbells, this is the exact same wiring setup and diagram that you would use. You’ve got a wire from here to the transformer terminal and doorbell chime from the front door terminal to the front doorbell doorbell.

Button and from the doorbell button to the doorbell transformer, and then it’s going to work. So I’m going to turn the power on real quick and you can see this light up.

All right. So, all right, there you go. So you can see the doorbell is working. I’m going to press the button and you’re probably going to hear my dog bark because he does not like the doorbell, but uh, we got to do now. There you go. And that is a working doorbell. Okay. Okay. So. So that is how you install or wire a doorbell, whether you’re going to do a smart doorbell or a standard old style doorbell, that is the same wiring diagram that you’re going to use.