Changing the Melody On the LRA-DCRXS

The LRA-D1000S is a wireless door chime kit by Safeguard Supply that features 1 x wireless push button (transmitter) and 1 x plugin door chime receiver. This kit ships with the push button programmed to the receiver, which plays the basic “ding-dong” melody when triggered by the push button. 

The receiver featured in this kit is the LRA-DCRXS and works with up to 2 x transmitters.  These transmitters can be push buttons, motion sensors, door contacts, or a door chime extender.  Most users choose a distinct melody for each transmitter paired with the receiver to distinguish which transmitter triggered the receiver.

For example, you may have a wireless push button outside the front door.  When a visitor pushes that button, this receiver (and others you may have added) will play the basic “ding-dong” sound.  You may have a back patio door push button programmed with a different melody.  You can determine which door the visitor is at by hearing the melody played.

Step by Step on Changing the Melody on the LRA-DCRXS Plugin in Receiver

LRA-DCRXS Flashing Receiver See Melody & Zone Buttons
  • Press and hold the mode button (a solid black dot on the side of the receiver) for approximately three seconds.
  • Release the button when the unit enters programming mode. A red LED will appear in the strobe light lens to indicate that the unit is in programming mode.
  • Press the musical note to scroll through the available sounds.
  • Once you hear the sound you want, press the push button on the transmitter already paired to that zone.
  • Exit programming mode by pressing the solid black dot until the red light disappears.
  • Watch the video below.

The video below demonstrates changing the melody on the LRA-DCRXS.

Audio Transcript

 Good afternoon, my name is Michael with Safeguard Supply and in this video I’m going to demonstrate how to change the melody played by the LRA DC RXS receiver. When you purchase the LRA D 1000S kit, this push button comes pre programmed to the receiver and it’s programmed to play the basic ding dong melody sound.

If you want to change that sound, Follow these steps. The first thing you’re going to do is notice that there’s two buttons on the side of the receiver. The first is a solid dot and the second one is a musical note. We’re going to hold down this solid dot for about three seconds until you notice a red dot, a red flashing LED or a red LED will appear within this window.

I’m going to hold down this button for about three seconds. And we see that red LED appearing in the window. And what that does is notifies you that we are in program mode. Next, I’m going to toggle through the available melodies by pushing this musical note button until I get to the one that I want.

And then I’m going to stop pressing the button. So here we go.

So that’s just a basic door knock sound, but that just happens to be the melody that I want. So I’m going to take my push button again and I’m going to push the push button. And when you hear those two quick, short tones, that lets you know that it has accepted the programming. And notice that that red light is still on.

So the next step is just to push this solid dot button again. The red light disappears. That notifies you that we have successfully exited programming mode. And now the system is ready to use. So I’m going to take the push button just to test this out. And the expectation is that it plays this basic knock knock sound.

So I hope this helps. Please call us at 800 366 7235 or email us at info at 1 800 doorbell. com if you have any questions. Thank you.

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