RC3250 Wireless Chime Demo
RC3250 Wireless Chime Demo Video Product Video Transcript
Carlon RC3250 Wireless Door Chime Kit Basic Set-up Video
Hey good afternoon this is Michael with 1800doorbell a Lord Henry Enterprises company.
Just going to shoot a quick video here to show you how simple it is to install the RC3250 which is really the main staple of the Carlon wireless door chime product line.
Going to be sending more videos out here in the next few days covering some more detailed topics. But this is just a basic installation. You can see the product ships with two components, one is the doorbell transmitter most people refer to it as the push button and one is the receiver.
In this case, it is a plug-in receiver that plugs into a standard wall outlet. I’m going to quickly plug this into the wall to kind of give you an idea to plug it into a standard wall outlet. Pretending this was mounted on an outside door. You’ll notice on the back the front cover pops off, you insert the screws through here then pop the cover back on. Someone pushes the button and tunes play. So that is the melody chosen by the user on this transmitter.
You’ll notice this protruding pimple on the top. That is where you change the tune, give it a simple push, and that cycles to the next tune. Want to go to the next tune? So again that cycles through the tunes, The reason you would do that is if you want to tell what is being played at the front door versus the back door. Tomorrow we are going to go through the privacy codes and how to install batteries on this product and give you some other tips on using this product.
So again sorry for the poor quality of this video but we just wanted to get something up on the site so that people can use it to make some good decisions.