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How to Program a LRA Push Button (Transmitter) to a Receiver

The short article below instructs how to program an LRA push button to a receiver. In this case, the receiver is the LRA-DCRX battery-operated receiver. Although these instructions are for programming a push button, the process is similar. For a different transmitter (sensor), trigger the sensor in “Step 4” below rather than pushing the center push button. Please consult those manuals for specific instructions on other receivers, such as the LRA-VPRX portable receiver or the LRA-DCRXS plugin receiver.

  • The LRA-DCRX, LRA-DCRXA, and LRA-VPRX each have four zones.
  • Each zone can only have one (1) transmitter at a time stored in that zone’s memory.
  • It does not matter what Zone you program or pair your transmitter(s) to. They are all the same.  The purpose of the zones is to allow you to assign a distinct melody to each zone so that you may determine what sensor triggered the receiver.
  • When trying to pair a transmitter, such as the LRA-DSTX, LRA-DCTX, & LRA-PBTX, if there is already a transmitter paired to a zone, then you must delete that memory for the zone to program the new transmitter to the zone.
  • Even though you may not have intentionally paired a transmitter to a zone, it’s good practice to delete the zone and start over if you have trouble programming.  For more information on deleting a zone from memory, click here.
  • The instructions below illustrate pairing a push button (LRA-PBTX) to a receiver (LRA-DCRXA).  The process for pairing other receivers is similar.  Please click here for information on pairing the LRA plug-in strobe receiver and the LRA-DCRXS.
  • Once you are in programming mode (step 3 below), the unit will automatically exit programming mode after 10 seconds.

To Program an LRA Push Button, Open the Cover of the Receiver

  1. Ensure the receiver has fresh batteries, or you are using a plug-in wall transformer to power the unit.
  2. Open the cover of the receiver.
LRA-DCRXA-Inside Cover Diagram
  1. Press & hold the “Zone selector button” for approximately three (3) seconds until the strobe light flashes, and zone “ID” one (1) starts to blink.  Then, stop pressing the Zone selector button.
  2. IMPORTANT: If you want to program or pair a transmitter to Zone ID 1, move to the next step.  If you already have a transmitter/sensor programmed to Zone ID 1 and want to pair an additional sensor/ transmitter, push the Zone selector button to scroll to the zone ID you want to program.  Once the Zone ID you want to program the sensor blinks, move to the next step.
  3. Press the “Melody selector” button to scroll through the melodies available on this receiver.  Stop pressing the Melody selector button when you hear the melody you would like to program to that zone.
  4. Press the button on the push button transmitter.
Program a LRA Push Button
  1. If you have additional transmitters/receivers to program, go back to step 4.  Otherwise, go to the next step.
  2. Now your transmitter(s) are programmed to the receiver.  To exit programming mode, press the Zone selector button to scroll through the Zones.  Once you pass Zone ID 4, the unit will automatically exit programming mode.

Watch the video below on how to Program an LRA Push Button (Transmitter) to a Receiver.

This is a slightly older version of the LRA-DCRXS, but the process is the same. In addition, the black push button (LRA-PBTX) is no longer available.

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